According to renowned Christian author and spokesman, Dr. David Jeremiah, "If God sees that making us wait is good for us, He will make us wait."
There is actually a great deal of reassurance found in those words when they come from Him. He could just tell us "No Way!" By asking us to be patient, He is making a deal or a contract with us. That goes with anything we ask in prayer for God to change about us or do for us.
C.S Lewis said, "Being a Christian is not for sissy's", and he wasn't just a kidding. It's tough stuff, especially if you want to be any good at it. For me, being a bench warmer on Sunday morning is not enough, so despite the difficulties that go along with it, I'm sticking with God. And that means waiting on Him.
Romans 8:25 If we hope for what we do not see, we wait for it with patience.
Pretending that God is a Genie in a Bottle that will give us anything we ask for in prayer is silly and wrong, after all, He is not Daddy War-bucks, nor is He Santa Claus. He loves us dearly and although He does want to give us the desires of our heart, those desires are always contractual. He doesn't just hand anything over, we must be deserving and we must obey. What he gives us is contingent upon our Faith and His Will. Does He want us to have what we're asking for, will it be for the good of His Kingdom, what is our motivation for wanting it? And the big question, the one that throws so many of us off...are we willing to enter into the contract?
The contracts God has with us don't just mean having Faith in His promises, we must also accept the fact that what we are asking for will happen on His timing, not ours. That is the factor that prevents many people from receiving what He has for them. Their unwillingness to wait on Him. They get tired of waiting, change their mind or find something they believe they would be just as satisfied with. Some loose direction, many actually give up their dreams and unfortunately, there are those who give up on God as a result of their very own lack of patience with God.
They failed to read the fine print in the contract and the Bible is filled with all kinds of contracts. 2 Chronicles 7:14 is a contract loaded with contingencies.
Wow, who needs an attorney when they have God?
IF (His favorite) my people who are called by my name humble themselves (that right there is tough stuff for today's crowd ) and pray and seek my face and turn away from their wicked ways (we have to do all that as a nation? - - -wow---what are the odds of that?)
THEN I will hear from heaven and forgive their sin AND heal their land.
I pray a flood of people will all take part in and sign this contract. It is huge, with IF being the major contingency. (Please read, pray about and sign this contract.)
I pray a flood of people will all take part in and sign this contract. It is huge, with IF being the major contingency. (Please read, pray about and sign this contract.)
Another scripture, that is so full of significance is John 12:46-47
If you are reading this and you have not yet accepted Jesus as your savior, please read it carefully.
John 12:46-47 "I have come into the world as light so that anyone who believes in me does not remain in darkness. If anyone hears what I am saying and doesn't take it seriously, I don't reject him. I didn't come to reject the world, I came to save the world. But you need to know that whoever puts me off, refusing to take in what I am saying, is willfully choosing rejection.

I love His plainspokenness. Jesus tells us quite bluntly that He came into our world to save us from darkness and that will only happen IF (His favorite again) we believe in Him.
That doesn't leave much room for confusion.
He goes on to tell us that IF you hear what He is saying, and refuse to take it seriously, you won't be rejected by Him because He didn't come to reject you... however...(another contractual word).
IF you choose to put Him off, by not believing in Him or by not believing what He is saying,
choosing to be rejected from Heaven.
That's quite a contract.
Would you sign it?
I did, I'm counting on and sticking with God.