Wednesday, December 14, 2016

His Desire to Give Us An Abundant Life

2 Corinthians 4:13(MSG) 

13-15 We’re not keeping this quiet, not on your life. Just like the psalmist who wrote, “I believed it, so I said it,” we say what we believe.

How often do we speak prophetic words into the universe concerning our own lives? We speak of the plans we have for ourselves and we speak of things and people we want no part of. We make proclamations concerning our lives totally convinced that we know exactly what is best for us; what we should and shouldn't have, what we want and don't want. We believe in our hearts and heads that being alive gives us the right to make bold, important decisions concerning our futures with little to no thought to what our Heavenly Father planned for our lives before time began.

We arrogantly blaze our own trails until things don't go the way we hoped, and then we ask God why He is denying us happiness. We allow the disappointments we created for ourselves to incite bitterness and regret instead of the joy we should and could have experienced if we had only allowed Him to take the lead. It is our own stubbornness and arrogance that trips us up, not God, never God.  

As I reflect on my own life there were times when I charged ahead, ignoring the feelings of anxiety the Holy Spirit was giving me only to discover, down the road that my impetuous behavior had been responsible for my own dilemma, my own failure, my own heartache. 

Sadly those very impetuous actions spill over into the lives of other people; our friends and families...and of our children.  

I remember the anxious feelings I had before I got married. I have since learned that when He gives me that restless, anxious feeling in my heart and soul, I need to spend time with Him in prayer. 

All of His messages to us are passed along with great love, affection, and wisdom concerning our lives. We love Him because He first loved us, right? My love and gratitude for Him is so great that although it's difficult some days, I only want what he wants for me. If he wants me to move, I'll move. If He want's me to change jobs, I will gladly change jobs. He is forever working behind the scenes to improve our lives. Sometimes it doesn't make sense at the time but I know without a shadow of a doubt that He loves me so much that He wants only what is best for me. Through prayer I have come to realize that the man I marry has to love God more than he loves me because when God whispers to him that I am the one, he won't have even one moment's hesitation, he will want to marry me because it is what God wants for his life as well as mine. I remind myself every day that I am nothing without Him. He is my beginning and my end ...He is my first and last breath.  

Jeremiah 29:11(ESV) 11 For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans for welfare and not for evil, to give you a future and a hope. 

Wehave no right to deny ourselves happiness because of the poor choices we have made in our past. We have inadequate, clout to make decisions concerning our lives when the fact is, our lives actually belong to Him, the one who made us. Our Father in Heaven wants us to have a life filled with good days and an abundance of every good thing. 

So the words that challenge His marvelous plans for our lives must stop! Instead, we must boldly proclaim: "In the name of Jesus, I command blessings, favor, health, prosperity, protection, dominion and power to fill my life! God's words tell me that the good things are already promised, they are already here. I, therefore pronounce my life blessed. I pronounce my life prosperous. I pronounce my life great. Darkness and gloom, poverty and sickness, defeat and depression will not be in my life."

This will be ours when we give Him the power to make all things come together for our good....