Friday, September 4, 2020
Sanctuary of Tranquility: Do We Truly Understand What's Going On?
Sanctuary of Tranquility: Do We Truly Understand What's Going On?: One would have to have their head buried in the sand to be oblivious of the evil and corruption in the United States of America. As we appr...
Do We Truly Understand What's Going On?
One would have to have their head buried in the sand to be oblivious of the evil and corruption in the United States of America. As we approach the November 3rd Presidential election that corruption and evil is being supercharged by the tension and hate stemming from current events and the events of the last six months.
President Trump, who after seeking the advice of the WHO (World Health Organization); a group who he felt confident he could trust, along with the CDC (Center of Disease Control) was advised to "shut the country down" (United States) in an effort to stop the spread. He also took the initiative; and halted all flights to and from China leaving people stranded in both countries, something that angered many but saved millions from becoming victims of the virus.
By Monday, the 23rd of March people were in full panic mode. The only businesses that remained open at that point were grocery stores and gas stations. Panic stricken shoppers were purchasing unrealistic amounts of groceries and cleaning supplies. Grocery stores began limiting the amounts of meat and produce customers could purchase. Smaller stores and shops, as well as family owned restaurants and small businesses were all forced to close yet Big Box Stores such as Walmart, Target, Costco, and Sam's Club were oddly enough allowed to remain open.
The NOT list grew larger as the days went by, shutting down not only restaurants and bars, but gyms, hair salons, barbers, tanning salons, movie theaters, as well as any and all other businesses that provided services or entertainment that had the potential of drawing large numbers of people including all public offices; city, state and governmental. People were trapped in their homes and were instructed to go out for the essentials only. Church was deemed non essential, leaving millions of people alone and afraid with no place to turn for comfort. Fear was thick in the air.
On Wednesday, the thirteenth of May, my daughter finally got a call from her boss, restaurants with drive through windows or were capable of offering curb side pick up could reopen. Businesses considered non essential remained closed, although many of the larger corporations had required their employees to work from home. Parents of all economic and educational background were suddenly required to turn themselves into teachers overnight and begin home schooling their own children.
If you needed to go to the doctor; unless it was an emergency, you were required to set up a video chat. The only exception was abortion, you could still have an abortion.
After weeks and weeks of being trapped inside of their homes, rarely going anyplace, Easter Sunday was deemed nonessential. Community Church Services and Easter Egg Hunts planned months in advance were canceled forcing people to either gather secretly for a quiet meal or spend the day alone.
To stimulate the economy, taxpayers were each gifted $1200.00 checks, signed by the president. People were anxious for stores and restaurants to open up yet most remained closed leaving that same previously mentioned group of Big Box Stores the recipient of peoples stimulus money. Shoppers were desperate to return to their old way of life, however, the masks had created an invisible wall between those who were afraid of the virus and those who were not. Without a friendly smile to soften interactions, people remained frightened and angry and were forced to literally mask their emotions. A decision to go out mask free meant being treated like s leaper, and in some areas it also meant, no service.
I have never doubted that the Corona Virus is a serious illness, one that has taken many lives,
People, it's time to open your eyes! We have been played by a very evil group of people who insist you wear a mask and stay home so you won't have a social life and contact with your friends.
A group of people who threaten you in public statements stating that the rioting, looting and murders we are seeing now will not only continue, but will increase if their candidate is not elected president. A group of people so evil that within the last year not only voted to allow small businesses to fail, leaving millions of people bankrupt and homeless, they also voted to kill babies fresh out of the womb.
We are being pushed around, and it must stop! We must not allow them to take our country!
The Democratic Party of John F. Kennedy is long gone. If that was your party, and you came from a long line of Democratic voters, you must realize by now that the New Democrats do not value life on any scale, they value Communism and everything that goes with it including the Abortion Industry. Christianity and liberal thinking do not go hand in hand, and abortion has long been something Christians have battled to end. A year ago when we started hearing words like late term abortion (right up to delivery) or even more horrific, after birth abortion (baby is either murdered or left to die after birth), ANYONE who calls themself a Christian who is still voting for Democrat Candidates should have been awakened!
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So Much Hypocrisy |
On October 16, 1916 Margaret Sanger opened the first birth control clinic in the United States. Ms. Sanger may have been a strong advocate for women's rights, however, she was best known for her racist thinking, and the idea that black
lives matter was the furthest thing from her mind. She courted black pastors and ministers with the hope of convincing them that abortion was the answer for the poor black families in their churches. The truth is, Planned Parenthood was never intended for good! Don't let anyone try to convince you that they care about you, there are plenty of other birth control providers! Planned Parenthood is the heart of the abortion industry, they could care less about anyone, all they care about is the money!
Back in 1973, just months before I graduated from high school, there was a lengthy lawsuit known as Row vs Wade As a result of that lawsuit, abortion became legal. In those days, Satans minions worked overtime to convince people that the tiny thing growing inside of a woman's uterus was nothing more than a clump of cells. As I reflect on it now, I can't believe people were so naive, or perhaps it was a matter of wishful thinking. Many seek advise from people who will tell them what they want to hear. It dulls the guilt felt when we do things we know we shouldn't do.
I've heard all of the reasons in the book to have an abortion; not married, can't afford it, he says he'll leave me if I don't, I have too many kids already, my parents will cut me off, I am going to school, it is not part of my plan, and on and on. I am not pointing fingers here, I can't because I was part of the club. The summer after my senior year in high school, I became pregnant. My mother was very upset with me! She told me that having a baby was a terrible idea, it would not only embarrass her, but it would ruin my life! She told me that she had no intention of being a full time baby sitter so I could go hang out with my friends. She was committed to the idea that my having an abortion was the best way to deal with the situation. In the end, she had me convinced it would probably be as she described. As I reflect on all that transpired, all I can think of is how selfishly motivated we both were. What we had done was take an inconvenient situation and made it go away in the physical. The most tragic thing is this, I believe that if I would have had the brains to stand up to her she would have eventually come to love the granddaughter we never knew.
Thankfully, I was able to recover from being part of the 81% of females who suffer from at least one mental health issue as a result of having an abortion, and I was never one of 45% who have thoughts of suicide, or the 3% who have actually gone through with it. I was sickened when I read that teen aged girls who have an abortion are 10 X more likely to attempt suicide than other girls their age and 4X more likely than adult women who have the same procedure. Two out of every three women who have a late term abortion (past 12 weeks) suffer a PSTD like ailment. These stats are prior to the legalization of full term or after birth abortion, with that in mind, can you even imagine what would happen to the mind of someone who was part of something like that.
If the stats I have presented don't convince you, You can read more here, or search it out independently.
In 2016, researchers at Northwest University in Chicago were able to capture the moment when sperm fertilizes an egg at the microscopic level.
Their discovery was nothing short of a breathtaking display of our creators hand at work. The video they released reveals what appears to be a florescent display of fireworks at the moment of conception. The 'flash of light' is created when zinc is released and binds to tiny molecules the emit a fluorescence only visible by microscope.
It is amazing! Check out the video below. God's miracle making hands are all over everything!
"For you formed my inward parts: you knitted me together in my mother's womb. I praise you for I am fearfully and wonderfully made. Wonderful are your works, my soul knows it well.Your eyes saw my unformed substance; in your book were written, every one of them, the days that were formed for me, when as yet there was none of them." Psalm 139:13-14, 16
This is about the time most women decide they better call the doctor, and when they do they are typically told that they must miss two mensural cycles before the are seen by a doctor. While mom waits the required time, baby continues to grow at a rapid pace, acquiring a face and a functioning brain. His facial structure is now becoming more and more visible and there are now tiny buds where the arms and legs will be.Within a few more days, fingers, lips and nose have formed and by the end of the eighth week, the embryo has grown to about half the size of a US Quarter.This is only week eight, a new life is well on it's way! It should be a time of celebration, not stress or abortion planning. If you are not seeing it that way, yet you consider yourself a child of God, you need to know that God loves you and he loves that life you are carrying within you and he won't let you down. Have faith in Him and choose life. Know that murdering that baby at six weeks, eight weeks or anytime after is an invitation to partnering with Satan himself. Please don't allow yourself to fall into his trap!
Please join me in prayer for those who are on the fence. Heavenly Father, Please open the eyes of those who have been swept up in the evil and are caught up in this very dark and delusional place. Allow them to see that your son came to bring life and love to all of those who are his. I ask you, precious God to open their eyes so they can see the truth before it is too late for them.
In the marvelous name of Jesus,
I want to share this very special film with you. If after watching it, you still believe that abortion is ok, you have made your choice and Christianity is not for you.
Wednesday, July 15, 2020
Sanctuary of Tranquility: Silly Posts We Like Without Thinking
Sanctuary of Tranquility: Silly Posts We Like Without Thinking: Our Almighty God possesses three amazing qualities that no other God is, was or could ever be capable of. There qualities make Him uni...
Silly Posts We Like Without Thinking
Omnipotent, Omniscient, and Omnipresent, making him powerful, ever knowing and everywhere at the same time. Wrap your mind around that. That's who he is!
His incredible Omnipotent nature allows him to be in total control of not only himself, but the entire universe which he created. Such power is only attributed to a deity, hence God himself.
“Then I heard what seemed to be the voice of a great multitude, like the roar of many waters and like the sound of mighty peals of thunder, crying out, “Hallelujah! For the Lord our God the Almighty reigns.” Revelation 19:6 ESV
His Omniscience proves that He is the ultimate criterion, or judge of truth and lies. We can argue with him, but his ideas are always right and true. There is nothing or none capable of the Omnipresence he possesses, it enables his power and knowledge to extend to all parts of the universe, placing him everywhere at the same time.
Some examples of his magnificence can be found in the following scriptures. All taken from the English Standard Bible Version unless otherwise noted.
“For his invisible attributes, namely, his eternal power and divine nature, have been clearly perceived, ever since the creation of the world, in the things that have been made. So they are without excuse.”
Romans 1:20
“Jesus looked at them and said, "With man that is impossible, but with God all things are possible" Matthew 19:26
"For Nothing is impossible with God" Luke 1:37
“Also henceforth I am he; there is none who can deliver from my hand; I work, and who can turn it back?” Isaiah 43:13
"For his eyes are on the ways of man, and he sees all his steps". Job 34:21
“for whenever our heart condemns us, God is greater than our heart, and he knows everything.”
1 John 3:20
“For he looks to the ends of the earth and sees everything under the heavens.” Job 28:24
"Where is their God?” Our God is in the heavens; he does all that he pleases.” Psalm 115:1-3
“I will instruct you and teach you in the way you should go; I will counsel you with my eye upon you.” Psalm 32:8
“But even the hairs of your head are all numbered.” Matthew 10:30
“The eyes of the Lord are in every place, keeping watch on the evil and the good.” Proverbs 15:3
“Am I a God at hand, declares the Lord, and not a God far away? Can a man hide himself in secret places so that I cannot see him? declares the Lord. Do I not fill heaven and earth? declares the Lord.”
Jeremiah 23:23-24
“All things were made through him, and without him was not any thing made that was made" John 1:3
“Be strong and courageous. Do not fear or be in dread of them, for it is the Lord your God who goes with you. He will not leave you or forsake you.” Deuteronomy 31:6
“And he is before all things, and in him all things hold together.” Colossians 1:17
We serve an incredible God, certainly not one who would wimp out and allow a bunch of knuckleheads to kick him out, lock him out or truly ban him from anything! It can't be done! When I see posts with this message it makes me disappointed in, and sad for the people who believe it even possible.I propose that the only place Our Almighty God has been kicked out of is the hearts of the people.
He's always been everywhere and no one can change that!
He wants to be in the hearts of all of the people. It was never his desire for anyone to go to hell, but it will happen if we don't change immediately for change is his desire.
“The earth is the Lord’s and the fullness thereof, the world and those who dwell therein,” Psalm 24:1
Yes, that includes you, you and I belong to him too and right this minute during the strangest, saddest, creepiest time most of us have ever experienced, he needs each of us to repent.
“When I shut up the heavens so that there is no rain, or command the locust to devour the land, or send pestilence among my people, if my people who are called by my name humble themselves, and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven and will forgive their sin and heal their land.” 2 Chronicles 7:13-14 ESV
If you don't believe you have anything to repent from, ask Him to search your heart and ask His forgiveness for all that he brings to your mind. It is a refreshing, and healing process. Rid yourself of all of the feelings of hate, anger, resentment, or lack of forgiveness towards yourself or any other. He knows about it all anyway, you may as well talk to him about it now instead later, because we all will have that later, that time with God. "Every knee shall bend"
Perhaps you're thinking, "I don't need this God you're writing about."
Oh, yes you do! More than you can and will ever imagine.
“Beware lest you say in your heart, ‘My power and the might of my hand have gotten me this wealth.’ You shall remember the Lord your God, for it is he who gives you power to get wealth, that he may confirm his covenant that he swore to your fathers, as it is this day.” Deuteronomy 8:17-18
When Matthew spoke these words he believed them to be true, and right at this moment in time, they are only closer than when spoken: "Repent for the Kingdom of Heaven is at hand" Matthew 3:2
How to truly fix America? 🇺🇸❤️ Make Jesus top priority in your life.
Put God back in your heart, make him the most important thing you think about every day!
Don't be too late, to get your priorities straight.
Wednesday, February 12, 2020
Jesus Loves Me
I have0truly enjoyed it. If you’re not familiar with
You Version you should be! It is not just another Bible
App, it is one of the original apps that encourages and
provides plans to assist in reading the Bible in one year.
You Version is free of charge and has literally hundreds of
reading plans, devotionals as well as short videos.
Some of the devotionals are brief, and can be read in
2-3 days and others last a year or more.
There are reading plans geared for people of all walks of life; those who are new to faith, dating,
engaged, married, divorced, dealing with grief, leadership, seeking prayer, worship, the work place,
forgiveness and so much more. Some of the plans require deep thought and others are light and fun.
The writers of the plans include both the infamous, and the unknown. Some plans rock your world,
others will stimulate reflection and growth, and some will make you cry.
This morning I completed day twenty two of a forty day plan from Pastor Bill Johnson as well as a five
day plan about the Book of Ruth, which I loved as it is such a good story. It’s not unusual for me to
work on three or even four plans at a time. Whats really cool, is that if you’re not enjoying a plan you
select, or you don’t feel like it pertains to you, you can end it at any time without pressure. If you’re
loving the plan and want to read more than one day at a time, or if you get busy with life and miss a
day or two you can select, “Catch me up” and it will extend or correct the length of your plan. You can
also invite others to read a plan with you and share your thoughts in a comment section.
About two years ago, I discovered Shelia Walsh’s devotionals and spent the better part of a month
reading all of them. They were so good and really spoke to the person I was at that time. One Sunday
morning I woke up feeling really blue, it was all I could do to get myself dressed and out the door to
church. When I got there, I lacked focus and struggled to take part. When the service ended, and I was
collecting my belongings, a woman who was also a regular, made a bee line over to me and asked me if
was ok. She said I looked out of sorts, and she asked me if she could pray for me about something in
We visited for a few minutes and prayed about my circumstances right then and there; which in my humble opinion is the very best way, why wait? We then walked out together, she gave me a big hug and I headed home. As I drove along, I begin to cry, tears made of pure frustration, combined with doubts of my future and concerns for my family. When I got to the place I called home, I kicked off my shoes and threw myself on the bed for a much needed healing rest.
I woke up, well over an hour later to the sound of my phone ringing. I could see by Caller ID that the person calling me was the woman who had prayed for me before I left church. She asked me if the song Jesus Loves Me was of any significant to me. I told her it really didn"t. She went on to explain that she had been praying for me while she was preparing lunch for her husband and herself, and while she was praying, the tune for that particular song filled her head. I searched my mind and I knew I had absolutely no idea what that song had to do with me.
Later that afternoon, I remembered that I hadn’t read my You Version devotionals yet, so I opened the app on my phone and began reading. One of the devotionals I as doing at that time was written by a wonderful Christian author named Sheila Walsh. This particular devotional had a special message for five days in a row. I was called ‘Quiet Time for Your Soul’, (really good stuff by the way).
I was on day two, which Sheila had entitled, ‘Does Jesus Love Me?’
Before I even read the first word, the Holy Spirit instructed me to read the devotional out loud. The request came with such love and gentleness. I was overwhelmed with emotions
Towards the end of the devotional the author questions the reader by asking,
“Do you wonder sometimes if God loves you?
Close your eyes, still your heart, and hear him as He says,
“This is the very best way to love. Put your life on the line for your friends.
You are my friends.”
John 15:13
I continued reading: “He loved you all the way to the cross. He loves you in this moment, and He will love you all the way home to heaven!”
John 15:13
By the time I read those last few words I was weeping, and through my blur of tears, I read the final words of the devotional aloud: Jesus Loves Me, this I know.
❤️ The renowned theologian, Karl Barth, wrote volumes of dense theology. In fact, some would consider him the greatest theologian in four hundred years, since the time of John Calvin. He was once asked to sum up, in one sentence, the thousands of pages of theology he had written.
He paused and then replied, “Jesus loves me, this I know, for the Bible tells me so.
Jesus is Love
Thursday, January 30, 2020
Sanctuary of Tranquility: The Seasons of Our Lives
Sanctuary of Tranquility: The Seasons of Our Lives: I was visiting with a friend the other day, and after explaining my current situation to her, she told me that it sounded like I am livi...
The Seasons of Our Lives

I was visiting with a friend the other day, and after explaining my current situation to her, she told me that it sounded like I was living in Limbo. Without being 100% certain of what or where that was, I found myself somewhat bewildered, so I decided to take a few minutes and try and make sense of what she had said.
After searching out the word on my iPad, and reading all the information about the word that I could find, I discovered some interesting thoughts and was also able to rule a few things out.
I am not existing in some fictional place located between heaven and hell where the souls of the unbaptized are trapped. That's very depressing and it's not even Biblical. If there were such a place it would be called Hades or Sheol, not Limbo.
As I pressed on I discovered that there is also an XBOX game by the same name, which I have personally chosen to know nothing about, and I’m fairly certain there’s no dancing that includes bending backward under a pole going on anywhere near me.
When I had exhausted all of the information my search engine provided, I consulted Merriam-Webster where I learned that Limbo can be a place or state of restraint or confinement, a place or state of neglect or oblivion.
Hmmm...that didn’t sound right either. I am never restrained, and although due to circumstances, I may feel confined from time to time, I am certainly not neglected in the sense one would imagine. I have a warm, place to dwell, a plethora of things to eat and drink, books to read, electronics to entertain me, and windows to look out of. I am very thankful for the knowledge that God is good and in another four to six weeks or so Old Man Winter will clear on out leaving us with the promise of Spring.
I finally found something of interest in The Collins Dictionary, a book I was not familiar with. Collins defines Limbo as being caught between two places, uncertain of what will happen next. Although that is a much closer definition of my situation, I chose to press in. The Cambridge Dictionary was next on the list, they defined Limbo as ‘An uncertain situation that you cannot control and of which there is no progress or improvement’. Ahhh, that is perfect, it hit the nail on the head.
Yet, I continued to read and seek information. I sought out a Biblical definition and discovered that the root of the word, Limbo, is the edge or hem on a garment, so the word itself tells us that Limbo is someplace that borders very close to another. A very broad definition is ‘a zone that exists between two definite places.’
Merriam-Webster concluded their definitions with this: An intermediate transitional place or state.
I suppose for some that would mean, a place of uncertainty, yet for me, and also for you, if you are one in Christ and awaiting something new, it means a new season and yet another reason to be patient.
Now that's exciting!
“Jesus once again addressed them: “I am the world’s Light. No one who follows me stumbles around in the darkness. I provide plenty of light to live in.” John 8:12 MSG
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