1: the office, duties, and obligations of a steward
2: the conducting, supervising, or managing of something ; especially : the careful and responsible management of something entrusted to one’s care <stewardship of our natural resources>
Personally, I believe it applies to everything we have been given. The most obvious things
would include our finaces, homes, abilities and the gifts God has given us, yet it also includes the influence we have over others.
I particularly like how the definition says “managing of something.”
Just like the manager of a store is responsible for his/her business and employees, we are each responsible for managing ourselves, which should include our behavior toward others at all times.

Consider the things we do and the people we encounter on a daily basis. Are we being good stewards in all areas with all people?
I know I certainly have room for improvement. This year I had the opportunity to work retail during the busy shopping season and it was a real eye opener for me. I learned a couple of important things about people.
#1. People working retail are performing a thankless, underpaid position, one that should be appreciated by shoppers more than it is.
#2. Most shoppers are demanding and rude...
O.K. I know...the customer is always right. Whatever...blah blah blah...
That very statement has sadly encouraged this behavior.
It has prompted our culture to feel so entitled that we forget something as rudimentary as shopping stewardship. Our minds are so transformed that we, as a society believe that the employee in the retail setting is the only person capable of scoring the big F in Retail. What about us...the shoppers...what happened to our shopping stewardship?
I was taught when growing up to put things back where I got them if I decided against them. (Have you ever seen the box of ice cream on the bread shelf??) I was also taught to hang things back on the hangers after I tried them on (not rip off the tags, throw them on the floor, wade through them to leave the fitting room and expect my mommy; the store clerk making $7.50). This shopper even puts clothing back where I got it if I decide against read that right.
Sometimes people think I work there, but No, I just have a boss who expects this from me.
Jars of Clay wrote this wonderful song that reminds us of how we are suppose to behave. A few of the lyrics go like this...
And we pray that our unity may one day be restored
And they'll know we are Christians by our love, by our love
Yeah, they'll know we are Christians by our love
And they'll know we are Christians by our love, by our love
Yeah, they'll know we are Christians by our love
We will work with each other
We will work side by side
We will work with each other
We will work side by side
We will work side by side
We will work with each other
We will work side by side
And we'll guard each man's dignity and save each man's pride
And they'll know we are Christians by our love, by our love
And they'll know we are Christians by our love, by our love
This should be our Christian Mantra.
So true, Lori! I have a cousin who used to work at a grocery store in Central Florida. He said that working Sundays was the worst because all the Christians would come in on their way home from church and they were the worst shoppers of the week!
ReplyDeleteI believe that even the way we shop, or the way we order our food at the restaurant, or even the tip we leave the waiter/waitress, can greatly affect our witness and testimony. We are to live above reproach.
Thanks for sharing! :)
Hey Susan..Thank you for sharing. I guess what your saying goes to show that we are in fact merely human beings and even though we strive to be more deserving to call ourselves by his Holy name we are only that. I am so thankful to be plugged in with your amazing family and Christs Tabernacle and I am absolutely certain that no one from our church would ever behave the way the Christians you described here did. :) Love u
DeleteLori Jesus is owner of all things
ReplyDeleteColossians 1.16b “all things have been created through Him and for Him.”
Think of the way we as humans think of our possessions as “ours.” The world has taught us especially Americans that we have the right to life, liberty, and pursuit of happiness. But life comes from God and belongs to God. Happiness is found in God. Property is created by God. All that we have and all that we are belongs to God. It amazes me that God could discard me at anytime? Yet he doesn’t, even though I act as though I am the masters of my own destiny, Jesus is the true master of all that we are.
Jesus sustains things visible and invisible. He holds the smallest atomic particle together. He holds the stars and planets in space. Stars that hang on nothing hang at His command. He makes it to rain on sinners; he allows oxygen to flood the lungs of those who live in unbelief. He grants food to the faithless. He holds together all things.
This is what should be our response to all that we see Jesus is? To bow to His authority. To accept our responsibility as His caretaker of all that He has in love, and grace blessed us with. We cannot merely offer him part of our time, money, abilities, attitudes, Lori we are to offer him all that we are as a living sacrifice to Him Holy and acceptable to Him.
Stewardship is not about percentages it is about principles. Once we recognize that Jesus is creator, owner, and sustainer of us completely and All we have.
And here Lori is How we can know that we have done it.
When Jesus is first in your thoughts, When Jesus is first in your conversation, When Jesus is first in your decisions, When Jesus is first in your planning, When Jesus is first in your life in everything.
Lori God has given me so many things, He’s allowed me to have so many things in my hands, and I have lost so many of them; and through all the losses not only material things. The Holy Spirit so Clearly and Cleverly has shown me It’s our precious moments with each other, our Love that He has put in us that is our greatest possession Lori.
When we acknowledge Jesus’ Ownership and Lordship of our lives and admit our responsibility as a steward/manager/caretaker to God and accept our responsibility of managing everything the best that we can for the Glory of God. The words (that we can) are the key words Lori. All we can do. We will step across Lori into the eternal life, and then we are complete. And all we can do is show others by your actions what we have learned from the Master. Its how I know you’re so Loaded with Christ.
Love you Lori. That was a great article.
Thank you Mike, I so love and appreciate your input on all things. I am attempting to be Loaded with Christ as you say and I have some mighty awesome teachers, including you dear friend, I have learned so much from you. God has me plugged into a marvelous church and I am changing each day. Many days I surprise myself by the very transformations in my thought process, and the things I do and say. I pray to learn and grow in Christ more each day. Love you too Mike